Splaaash! A water balloon was hurled at me from a balcony three floors above. I couldn’t but smile at the mischievous face that looked out to verify whether his missile had hit the target. Indeed, I was the one who was wrong; I should have known better before I chose to wear a white shirt that day. Afterall, it was two days to Holi.
This is a prank I have endorsed whole-heartedly since I could walk. And I was not alone. My partners in crime included my siblings, cousins, and friends, who were of part of our gang. This is just an example of how notorious we were. Today, the tsunami of life has flung us all across the globe in the disguise of marriage, job opportunities, higher studies and likewise. We are grown ups now, and some of us are parents too. Our lives are stressed to the hilt by the challenges that even routine life flings at us from time to time, or the monotony of our responsibilities. We meet occasionally during family get togethers, and try to re-live our child hood memories. Sometimes, we are disappointed. Our childhood park has perhaps been engulfed by a mall. The tree that we used to climb is perhaps not there any more. We narrate our childhood days to the next generation, but get bewildered looks in return. Times have changed, family structures have evolved from vast joint families to nuclear ones, number of peers, cousins and siblings have reduced to one or even zero. Guidance and love of grandparents have been replaced by professional attention in crèches. Recreation has a meaning which we could not even imagine when we were of that age. And all this change leaves us yearning for a Time Machine, a gadget that can take us back in time, albeit for just a few days.
We, at The Other Home, know your experiences are similar to ours. And we have come up with packages just that are flexible, so that they can be tailor made for your perfect family gathering. All you need to do is choose the time of year and the location that suits everyone; so that those who are abroad or in other cities can make it there conveniently. Leave the rest to us. We have 50 properties all across India, and adding. Our endeavour is to recreate the childhood magic by offering you a comfortable home – like atmosphere at our homestays, a kitchen where you can cook, and if you wish, we shall arrange a chef who would prepare delicacies of your choice. Invite anyone you want: family and friends, their families, and any body who means a lot to you. Our apartments are of various sizes, and we would offer you the best and most suitable module. Activities involving one and all, from the elderly to children, would be organized. Share your childhood days with us, and we shall transform the serious adults into naughty kids. What is more, your spouses, who think that they know you inside out, would be surprised to see you in the childhood mode. 
Your actual ages shall be only on our records, and medical help, which, God forbid, if required in emergencies, shall be at hand. If you wish, you could convert a treatment session of a sick person into such a lovely family holiday. His spirits would always be high and medications would yield much better results due to the positive energy all around. You would carry fond memories of your second childhood as you return to the cycle of daily life, that’s our promise. See You Soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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