Long before the Portuguese occupation this fort stood testimony to a fierce battle between Portuguese and Mughals. In 1683, Prince Akbar joined the forces of Marathas and made this place as their base camp. Eventually the Portuguese recovered the spot back from the Marathas but after much bloodshed which led to strengthening of the site which eventually led to the fort being built to its present form in 1717.
An architectural splendour!
The Chopra fort is near Vagator beach. (Photo: Гонория Глоссоп)
The fort stands on irregular site with steep slopes on all sides. The main gate leading up to the fort is small and modest as compared to the large scale and form of the fort. A special attraction of the fort is irregular spacing of the bastions, each having the cylindrical tower that lends a special character to the place.
Tales of lost heritage and splendid view
The ruins of Chapora Fort,- Bardez, Goa (Photo: Bornika)
Today though majority of the past heritage is lost still some imprints of the past can be traced on the barracks and housing, that once were filled this vast area. The Once famous St. Anthony church has been reduced to stones, bushes and herds of goat in the wide expanse of open space. Nevertheless the fort stills boasts of a splendid view to the beach and a serene and largely untouched natural access because of rocky cliffs protections.
Reaching here
Chapora fort can be easily reached by hiring local transport from Mapusa or even Panaji, which is 18 kilometers away from here.
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